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Hunting Rifle Overhaul L4D2


A hunting rifle general improvement mod

Fun fact: The first image is low res because it's literally the workshop image, which has to be 640x320 pixels.

Oh look, I finally uploaded a thing.

Please see my workshop submission for more details on this.

Included in the download are my source files. That's right. Look for the folder named 'sdk_content\modelsrc\Hunting Rifle'

This is an overhaul of the default Hunting Rifle. It's not a fully unique model. It's not a fully unique texture. I largely left its concepts alone. However, some things WERE changed. A more complete list is available on the workshop, so I'll just acquaint you with the essentials:

The scope has been flipped around. Valve mounted it backwards, hilariously enough.

Added environment and normal maps. They're subtle, like they should be (I'm looking at you, magnum pistol).

Fresh animations which I hope you will find to be a large improvement from the default ones.

A whopping 20k triangles for the entire model.

There's a lot more that has been mentioned on the workshop submission, so see it for more details and more specifics.

I primarily uploaded this here so the workshop submission can gain more recognition. I probably won't wind up updating the download here if I do so to the workshop submission.



Corrected the weirdness on the lens (The images remain outdated)

Corrected the attachment for the flashlight being in the wrong position

Made the camera movement in the reload more subtle


Made some subtle animation adjustments, mostly to the reload animation

Unsure if the last submission actually fixed the lens, my Blender save didn't have the correction made. This one does, if the previous didn't. The images remain outdated, too.

Slightly changed some of the animation event timings and inverse kinematic rules in the viewmodel animations.


Adjusted several parts of the animation, some bits look much better than before.

Introducing new pseudo-random idle animation movement: Appears random.

Added another run cycle and adjusted the existing one, running forward/backwards now looks slightly different.

Removed the unused inspection animations: No intention to use them at any point, and they weren't doing anything but taking up space.

FINALLY updated the screenshots.


Original Authors


Initial port & source files



Animator, modeler, rigger, etc.


The Scout who cried Spy

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